Vignette > Time Capsule
The big rock in front of the Mill Valley City Hall has a brass plaque that reads, “In memory of those who gave their lives in defense of their country—dedicated by the citizens of Mill Valley—1953.” In a hole in the rock behind the plaque is a time capsule to be opened in several hundred years. This was the idea of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Muir Post. The capsule contains copies of the Mill Valley Record and other newspapers, the names of contributors to the campaign to pay for the plaque, names of other Mill Valley residents, and civic information. Dedication of the rock took place at 1 p.m. on Memorial Day, Saturday, May 30, 1953. Reverend Father John J. O’Brien opened the dedication. The featured guest speaker was William J. Harry, past department commander, V.F.W., Department of California. The Military was represented by a firing squad from the Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron on Mt. Tamalpais and the color guard from Hamilton Air Force Base. A benediction by Rev. S. R. Hammond of the Mill Valley Episcopal Church brought the services to a close. Special guests of honor were local Gold Star Mothers.