VIGNETTE > Steps, Lanes, Paths
1884: The railroad from Sausalito to Corte Madera is rerouted to the newly completed Alto Tunnel.
1888: Tamalpais Land & Water Co. acquires Rancho Sausalito that encompasses most of southern Marin. Part of its northern border is the creek that flows through Blithedale Canyon and along Miller Ave. to the bay.
1889: A railroad spur from the main line is built along Miller Avenue to today’s depot plaza
1889 to 1905: Tamalpais Land & Water Co. issues subdivision maps for Mill Valley south of its main creek.
Surveyors laid out the streets in such a way so as not to be too steep for horses. They linked the streets with steps, lanes and paths to serve as pedestrian short cuts as well as escape routes in case of such emergencies as a fire or an earthquake. Later on, developers of the land north of the main creek also linked streets with steps lanes and paths. Mill Valley has over 175 heritage steps, lanes and paths. Many of these are identified in “A Guide to Mill Valley Steps-Lanes-Paths”, for sale at the Public Library and the Book Depot for $5.