Vignette > Mill Valley’s 2nd School

Homestead School – 1908 – click to enlarge

Homestead School opened on January 13, 1908 with 50 first and second graders who had been attending the grammar school on Summit Ave.  Only 19 pupils lived in Homestead Valley; the rest came from Mill Valley, Millwood and Alto.  Enrollment averaged 46 for the semester, 28 boys and 18 girls aged 6 to 14.  They were categorized into five groups independent of age.   The sole teacher was Coral Coats who was paid $50/month.  She was commended for her efforts during the school’s chaotic first semester.  School ended on June 14, 1908. The second class began on August 3, 1908 with 78 first and second graders, 46 boys and 32 girls. They were categorized into seven groups. Coral Coats’ salary had been increased to $75/month.  School hours were 9 am to 2 pm, with a 20-minute recess in the morning. Lunch was noon to 1 pm.  The daily program started out with opening exercises and music for 20 minutes, followed by phonics, number work, marching, reading, spelling, writing and drawing.  In April 1909, 25 pupils transferred to the new Tamalpais Park School, surely a welcomed change for Coral Coats. School ended on June 9, 1909.