VIGNETTE > Krag’s Ship

Krag's Ship

Krag’s Ship

In the early 1940s, Gray Line tour busses headed for Muir Woods stopped at an Edgewood Ave. house to see a large boat in the front yard. It was a 70 ft. replica of the historic 204 ft. Wapama, a wooden steam schooner built in 1915 for the Pacific Coast lumber trade. Homeowners Erik and Dagny Krag considered it to be the perfect social hall for their parties as well as an ideal play ship for their children. On the prow was a figurehead of the Oregon Indian Princess, Wapama. The ship was all electric: interior lights, floodlights to illuminate the funnel and superstructure, heating system, the galley stove, the alarm system, navigation gadgets, and the communication system connecting all rooms. A motor-driven device imitated the sound of a diesel engine. The main deck had a large social room, a galley and a large stateroom. On the upper deck was a pilothouse with a gyrocompass and control instruments for steering and navigation. A few steps from the pilot- house, the captain’s day room provided a place for small informal gatherings. From the second deck, a ladder led to the flying bridge that was equipped with all the essentials of navigation, including a regulation ship’s telegraph.

Want  more info? Read the History of Homestead Valley article:
Krag’s Ship
Sir Erik