Significant Events of 1973


January, 2009

Homestead School's PTA published the Homestead Bread Book in 1973

Homestead School’s PTA published the Homestead Bread Book in 1973 – click to enlarge

The World, 1973: Egypt and Syria attacked Israel in the Yom Kippur war. The Arab oil-producing nations declared an embargo on oil exports to the U.S. The price of crude oil tripled. The energy crisis began with heating oil shortages and long lines at service stations. Coup d’état in Chile—Pinochet replaced Allende.
The Nation, 1973: President Nixon began his second term. Watergate hearings got underway. The Supreme Court decided Roe vs. Wade. Henry Kissinger signed a pact providing for the withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Vietnam. Secretariat won the triple crown. Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned. Gerald Ford replaced him. New York’s World Trade Center was completed. Barcode was invented.

Homestead Valley, 1973: Following the sale of Brown’s Hall in 1972, planning was underway to acquire a home next to Homestead School for a community center. The annual Mozart Festival attracted an audience of 700 in Stolte Grove. A bond issue passed, 79.3% yes, to acquire 80 acres of open space lands. Part of the Three Groves estate was set aside for a publicly owned park, leaving the home in private ownership.
Homestead School, 1973: The Parent Teachers Association published a bread recipe book. For many years, Homestead Valley families had baked a wonderful variety of breads to sell at the Mill Valley Arts Festival. The book was in response to many requests for recipes.

Homestead School was founded in 1908, the second school in the Mill Valley School District. In 1983, the school closed for lack of students. In 1992, the school was leased to Marin Horizon School.

Throughout its history, the Homestead School PTA had played an active and important role in the community. A significant contribution originated in the 1960’s when the PTA sponsored a popular after-school recreation program. When funding became a challenge, the PTA worked with county officials to establish County Services Area #14 in 1967. CSA #14 taxed property and funded Parks and Recreation. In 1973, CSA #14 was the legal entity that passed the bond issue to fund open space land acquisitions. CSA #14 currently funds the operating expenses of the Homestead Valley Community Association and the Homestead Valley Land Trust. Thank you PTA for the creation of CSA #14 in 1967. Thank you PTA for the Homestead Bread Book, a significant event of 1973.

If you have comments or questions about this article or other topics
pertaining to the history of Homestead Valley,
please feel free to e-mail Chuck Oldenburg.