Forty Year Old News — 1974


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The World

OPEC nations end a 5-month oil embargo against the US, Europe and Japan on March 18.

The US
President Nixon announces his resignation on August 8. Gerald Ford becomes the 38th president on August 9.

As “Tania”, Patty Hearst wields an M1 carbine while robbing a bank in San Francisco.

Marin County
The Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) buys 53 separate tracts totaling 10,579 acres in Marin.

Homestead Valley Open Space Land Acquisitions
• The $600,000 bond issue approved by Homestead’s County Service Area #14 (CSA#14) in 1973 is sold to Wells Fargo bank at an interest rate of 5.9224%, the lowest of five bids.
• CSA #14 and County staff purchase several open space properties. The first acquisition was the “Alpine Meadows” subdivision. Then came the Cowboy Rock area, Rancho del Topé in the Pixie Trail area and several other properties.
• GGNRA and CSA#14 representatives meets with county staff and conclude that Homestead Blvd. on the Dias Ranch would be the boundary line between GGNRA and the Homestead Valley open space land.
* The former E. Gibbons Meyer estate, Three Groves, is subdivided into three parcels. CSA#14 purchases one and takes an option to buy on a second. The third parcel with the house is to remain in private ownership.
• Marin County board of supervisors approves $113,250 to purchase three parcels. The county will ultimately contribute a total $200,000 bringing the total open space land purchases in Homestead Valley to $800,000.
• The Trust for Public Land helps establish the Homestead Valley Land Trust (HVLT).

News from the Homestead Headlines
• Because Brown’s Hall had been sold in 1972, the annual meeting and pot luck of the Homestead Valley Community Association (HVCA) was held at the Tamalpais Improvement Club. “Bring your neighbors, your food and your family. Also bring money for membership dues—only $2.00 per family, $1.00 for singles and senior citizens for the entire year. Dues are not an entry requirement.”
• “The burglary rate seems to be climbing hereabouts, and with the increasing economic crunch, will probably continue to climb.”
• “Increasing concern is being expressed by residents that more cars are speeding down our narrow winding streets, and that the number of accidents and cars-in-ditches is increasing.”
• Lines at gasoline service stations on Miller Ave. were of some concern.
• Boys working to become Eagle Scouts reconditioned several old established paths blocked by fallen trees, washouts and poison oak. Eagle Trail starts at Stolte Grove and climbs through Weedon Redwoods and connects with Homestead Trail, Ridgewood Trail and a GGNRA trail to Four Corners.
• The Homestead Valley Fireman’s Club longer had an active role in the fire department which had merged with Tam Valley’s in 1962. The trustees decided to liquidate and turned over $500 to HVCA.
• “The 14th annual Mozart Festival in Stolte Grove was a resounding success. A crowd of 600-700 people enjoyed the excellent weather as the strains of Hayden, Mozart and Wagner welled up from the redwoods.”
• For the 15th year, HVCA agreed to continue to sponsor Candlelight Concerts for 1975. The location would be in Mill Valley at the Outdoor Art Club. After Brown’s Hall was sold in 1972, Candlelight Concerts in 1973 and 1974 were held in Del Mar School in Tiburon.

If you have comments or questions about this article or other topics
pertaining to the history of Homestead Valley,
please feel free to e-mail Chuck Oldenburg.