Growing up on the West Peak of Mt. Tamalpais: Interview with Lisa and Madelyn Byrne

MTAFS Six Sisters
Thank you very much to the very talented and generous photographer and filmmaker Gary Yost for sharing his short film interview of two of the six Byrne sisters who lived at the Air Force Station on Mt. Tamalpais’s East Peak from 1957 to 1959. These daughters of the station commander, Commander Byrne, allow a glimpse into this slice of Cold War history, and the inclusion of their 16mm home movies brings to life the sometimes surreal irony of childhood in the shadow of the radome overlooking the entire Bay Area. The wonderful photo here beautifully illustrates this in the form of six darling girls in their Easter dresses and bonnets, hands in prayer, with the radome in the background. Please enjoy the video HERE and feel free to share!